Nigeria Economy: See what Federal Government Plans to sell again

– Sports minster Solomon Dalung says the country’s national stadium would be sold – The minister expects bidding for the stadiums by private investors to begin soon – Dalung admits the Federal Government could no longer manage the sports facilities The Minister of Youth and Sports, Solomon Dalung has suggested that the Federal Government would be selling the national stadiums in Abuja and Lagos. Speaking on Tuesday with State House correspondents after his meeting with President Muhammadu Buhari, Dalung said it had become obvious that the Federal Government could no longer manage sports facilities successfully.
President Muhammadu Buhari and Solomon Dalung
He said the current administration will continue with the concession agreement it inherited from the past government. The minister said: “I agree that there is under-utilisation of sports facilities in Abuja. That has taken us to the issue of concession. The facilities cannot be managed effectively by government, looking at the budgetary allocation for even the maintenance. “Government cannot maintain those things. So what we intend to do is to proceed with the concession process we met on the ground.”According to the minister the Federal Executive Council had in 2012 approved the concession of the Abuja and Lagos stadiums and the current administration had proceeded with the arrangements and had appointed consultants. He said the ministry was at the stage of getting the approval of the Bureau of Public Enterprise and once done would proceed to call for bids from the private sector so that it could run the concession arrangement with them. He added that the process of transforming the Abuja and Lagos stadiums was also ongoing. The minister said: “We have also received the drawing on the proposed transformation of the places, which will include the creation of artificial lake at the Abuja Stadium that will provide for 12 water sports; then the building of a five-star hotel in Abuja. “Lagos will have the same thing. The adjoining land will have a park and a five-star hotel. “The moment you put these two, the economic status of the stadium will be uplifted and you will have foreign athletes coming in because there will be facilities. That’s the best way we can maximise the stadium in Abuja in view of how it was located.” The national stadiums in Lagos and Abuja have become events centers and chill out spots rather than venues for sporting events for the past decade or so.


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